Bernard-Henri Lévy is not only a philosopher, writer, and filmmaker; he is also a reporter. November 1st 2021, he was in Los Angeles to screen his latest film “The Will to See” and to talk about his book of the same title, published in October by Yale University Press. The book is an adaptation of Sur la route des hommes sans nom (Grasset, May 2021). Fréquence Juive brings you this exclusive interview with BHL. Bernard-Henri Lévy is not only a philosopher, writer, and filmmaker; he is also a reporter. November 1st 2021, he was in Los Angeles to screen his latest film “The Will to See” and to talk about his book of the same title, published in October by Yale University Press. The book is an adaptation of Sur la route des hommes sans nom (Grasset, May 2021). Fréquence Juive brings you this exclusive interview with BHL.

Fréquence Juive :
In “The Will to See,” you report firsthand on various conflicts around the world marked by massacres, deprivation, and other forms of severe distress. Most of humanity remains mute and unreactive. Do you think such conflicts might one day reach the gates of the so-called civilized world—in Europe or here in the United States—or that they may already lie dormant within our walls ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? They are already at the gates. I believe in geopolitics. The world is a unit, a whole in which each part affects all the others. The butterfly effect is generalized. Contrary to what the ostriches among us may believe, the slightest skirmish in Mogadishu can affect events in the suburbs of Paris or Washington.
Fréquence Juive :
In “The Will to See,” you report firsthand on various conflicts around the world marked by massacres, deprivation, and other forms of severe distress. Most of humanity remains mute and unreactive. Do you think such conflicts might one day reach the gates of the so-called civilized world—in Europe or here in the United States—or that they may already lie dormant within our walls ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? They are already at the gates. I believe in geopolitics. The world is a unit, a whole in which each part affects all the others. The butterfly effect is generalized. Contrary to what the ostriches among us may believe, the slightest skirmish in Mogadishu can affect events in the suburbs of Paris or Washington.

That said, what I have produced is not a summation of forgotten wars but rather my diary for the year 2020, a very special year in which a major magazine, Paris Match, along with five other leading foreign newspapers (including the Wall Street Journal) laid down a challenge: go to some of the most troubled places on the planet and try to reconnect with the fine and noble tradition of the writer-reporters. I accepted the challenge.? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? In the course of a life in which you have experienced so many conflicts, so much cruelty, what would you like to ask God if you were to meet him one day ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? I don’t think one meets God. I believe that we notice him sometimes, we get glimpses of him. We divine him. We don’t meet him. I’ll leave that to the neo-evangelists.? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? How can we change the vision of a world that seems disinclined to recognize its own monstrousness ? Do you ever feel that you are fighting alone ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? No. Because contrary to what I read all around me, people remain engaged. In all the war zones I went to, I found NGOs doing incredible work. The young people of France, when necessary, mobilize around great causes. I simply do not see the general demobilization of society that we are told has occurred. Our leaders seem convinced that it has. But that is not the reality.? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? How can we teach the world to follow the Ten Commandments—in particular, not to kill and to respect their neighbors ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? The commandment that has guided me since my beginnings is Tikkun Olam*, or repairing the world. Obviously, the Ten Commandments are not followed. We must keep reminding the world of its infidelity to the commandments and reveal its constant, natural slide into idolatry. In the last analysis, is that not why we need Jews? They have a major role to play in the redemption of humanity. Tikkun Olam, yes, indeed.? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? Given the cruelty of this world in which racism and antisemitism keep growing, how do you see the future, and what might be the right solution for us to unite in mutual respect and accept the diversity of identities and traditions ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? I do not believe that the problem lies in accepting diversity, as you put it. What is lacking is unity. That is the threat we face today. If there is one thing that threatens this world, it is the splintering of humanity. Look, diversity is readily accepted. Even by racists, who have no problem accepting others, as long as they stay in their place. So, no. What is imperiled is the idea of the universal. The idea that all people, without exception, have the same rights and obligations.
That said, what I have produced is not a summation of forgotten wars but rather my diary for the year 2020, a very special year in which a major magazine, Paris Match, along with five other leading foreign newspapers (including the Wall Street Journal) laid down a challenge: go to some of the most troubled places on the planet and try to reconnect with the fine and noble tradition of the writer-reporters. I accepted the challenge.? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? In the course of a life in which you have experienced so many conflicts, so much cruelty, what would you like to ask God if you were to meet him one day ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? I don’t think one meets God. I believe that we notice him sometimes, we get glimpses of him. We divine him. We don’t meet him. I’ll leave that to the neo-evangelists.? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? How can we change the vision of a world that seems disinclined to recognize its own monstrousness ? Do you ever feel that you are fighting alone ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? No. Because contrary to what I read all around me, people remain engaged. In all the war zones I went to, I found NGOs doing incredible work. The young people of France, when necessary, mobilize around great causes. I simply do not see the general demobilization of society that we are told has occurred. Our leaders seem convinced that it has. But that is not the reality.? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? How can we teach the world to follow the Ten Commandments—in particular, not to kill and to respect their neighbors ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? The commandment that has guided me since my beginnings is Tikkun Olam*, or repairing the world. Obviously, the Ten Commandments are not followed. We must keep reminding the world of its infidelity to the commandments and reveal its constant, natural slide into idolatry. In the last analysis, is that not why we need Jews? They have a major role to play in the redemption of humanity. Tikkun Olam, yes, indeed.? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? Given the cruelty of this world in which racism and antisemitism keep growing, how do you see the future, and what might be the right solution for us to unite in mutual respect and accept the diversity of identities and traditions ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? I do not believe that the problem lies in accepting diversity, as you put it. What is lacking is unity. That is the threat we face today. If there is one thing that threatens this world, it is the splintering of humanity. Look, diversity is readily accepted. Even by racists, who have no problem accepting others, as long as they stay in their place. So, no. What is imperiled is the idea of the universal. The idea that all people, without exception, have the same rights and obligations.

«? The commandment that has guided me since my beginnings is Tikkun Olam*, or repairing the world.? »

«? The commandment that has guided me since my beginnings is Tikkun Olam*, or repairing the world.? »

It is the belief in principles and values that are applicable everywhere and do not vary with location, time, or circumstances.»

Fréquence Juive :
«? Mr. Lévy, you have seen pretty much the entire world. Here is a question that is a little more personal. In what country do you feel the most comfortable and accepted with respect to your name and Jewishness? ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? I never wonder whether I am accepted or not. Never. Now, if you see my film, you will see that there is a country in which I was fired upon because I was Jewish. And another, France, where one finds a latent antisemitism. Nevertheless, France is my country, and I feel good there.? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? How do you feel in Israel? »?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? Perfectly fine. I am happy in Israel.? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? Today you are in Los Angeles, the film capital of the world. Do you have a new cinematographic project in your luggage, like James Bond ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? Come see my film. You will see that there was no need to devise stunts, because, alas, they are right there in real life. I saw the latest James Bond «? No Times to die? », by the way, and thought it was tremendous. On the melancholy side, but very good indeed.? »

Fréquence Juive :
“What book from your adolescence would you recommend to young readers of Fréquence Juive ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? I cannot answer that; there were too many. I spent my childhood and teenage years reading. And I don’t like the idea of young readers wrapping themselves up and fetishizing a single book. They should keep reading and never stop. Read, read, and then read some more. On this point, that is my only commandment.? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? Your message to the community ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? I am not a rabbi or a prophet. So, no message. My books speak for themselves.? »

Interview by Fréquence Juive.

*The goal of Tikkun Olam, which means “repairing the world,” is to bring the world back to its original state of perfection, as it was before the first misdeed.

“The Will To See” Directed by Bernard-Henri Levy and Marc Roussel, with the collaboration of Gilles Hertzog and Olivier Jacquin In 1971, the Bengalis were taking up arms to defend their rights against their Pakistani oppressors. It was the first armed conflict in which the very young Bernard-Henri Lévy took part, in answer to the call of André Malraux.
It is the belief in principles and values that are applicable everywhere and do not vary with location, time, or circumstances.»

Fréquence Juive :
«? Mr. Lévy, you have seen pretty much the entire world. Here is a question that is a little more personal. In what country do you feel the most comfortable and accepted with respect to your name and Jewishness? ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? I never wonder whether I am accepted or not. Never. Now, if you see my film, you will see that there is a country in which I was fired upon because I was Jewish. And another, France, where one finds a latent antisemitism. Nevertheless, France is my country, and I feel good there.? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? How do you feel in Israel? »?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? Perfectly fine. I am happy in Israel.? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? Today you are in Los Angeles, the film capital of the world. Do you have a new cinematographic project in your luggage, like James Bond ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? Come see my film. You will see that there was no need to devise stunts, because, alas, they are right there in real life. I saw the latest James Bond «? No Times to die? », by the way, and thought it was tremendous. On the melancholy side, but very good indeed.? »

Fréquence Juive :
“What book from your adolescence would you recommend to young readers of Fréquence Juive ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? I cannot answer that; there were too many. I spent my childhood and teenage years reading. And I don’t like the idea of young readers wrapping themselves up and fetishizing a single book. They should keep reading and never stop. Read, read, and then read some more. On this point, that is my only commandment.? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? Your message to the community ?? »

Bernard-Henri Levy :
«? I am not a rabbi or a prophet. So, no message. My books speak for themselves.? »

Interview by Fréquence Juive.

*The goal of Tikkun Olam, which means “repairing the world,” is to bring the world back to its original state of perfection, as it was before the first misdeed.

“The Will To See” Directed by Bernard-Henri Levy and Marc Roussel, with the collaboration of Gilles Hertzog and Olivier Jacquin In 1971, the Bengalis were taking up arms to defend their rights against their Pakistani oppressors. It was the first armed conflict in which the very young Bernard-Henri Lévy took part, in answer to the call of André Malraux.

Since then, the philosopher has never ceased to uncover and denounce “the worst that man does to his fellow man,” and he has done it, up to the present, in a consistent way, by observing it firsthand. Filmed over the course of 2020, “The Will to See” is a committed film that takes us up close to beleaguered peoples—in Nigeria, Ukraine, Somalia, Libya, Afghanistan, Kurdistan, the Greek island of Lesbos, and, once again, Bangladesh. Unburdened by theory or grand geostrategic or diplomatic speeches, Bernard-Henri Lévy introduces us to living, breathing, talking men and women standing up against injustice, hate, and fear. After half a century of committed struggle, he asks himself this question: “Have I been faithful to the young man I was ? . Since then, the philosopher has never ceased to uncover and denounce “the worst that man does to his fellow man,” and he has done it, up to the present, in a consistent way, by observing it firsthand. Filmed over the course of 2020, “The Will to See” is a committed film that takes us up close to beleaguered peoples—in Nigeria, Ukraine, Somalia, Libya, Afghanistan, Kurdistan, the Greek island of Lesbos, and, once again, Bangladesh. Unburdened by theory or grand geostrategic or diplomatic speeches, Bernard-Henri Lévy introduces us to living, breathing, talking men and women standing up against injustice, hate, and fear. After half a century of committed struggle, he asks himself this question: “Have I been faithful to the young man I was ? .

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BHL Bernard-Henri Levy

Bernard-Henri Lévy est non seulement philosophe, écrivain, cinéaste, mais aussi reporter. Le 1er novembre 2021, il était de passage à Los Angeles pour présenter son dernier film « The Will to see? » , ainsi que son ouvrage : «? Dispatches from a World of Misery and Hope » aux éditions Yale University Press, une adaptation de la version française « Sur la route des hommes sans nom ». Fréquence Juive vous offre cette interview inédite. Entretien privé avec BHL.

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