Born in Paris in 1954, Patrick Braoudé is a French actor, director, screenwriter and producer known to all for having directed cult films such as "Génial mes parents divorcent" in 1990 or « Neuf mois" in 1993 with a remake - « Nine months » - released in the United States. As a teenager, Patrick Braoudé was destined for the profession of veterinarian, but very quickly, the theater announced itself in his life as a revelation. He made a name for himself in the theater with his first play, "Du Ronron sur les blinis", and began a career with many successes. It is with great pleasure that Patrick grants us this telephone interview, out of step with France. On the program, its news but not only. Talent, sensitivity, and above all true values revealing a beautiful personality of French cinema.Born in Paris in 1954, Patrick Braoudé is a French actor, director, screenwriter and producer known to all for having directed cult films such as "Génial mes parents divorcent" in 1990 or « Neuf mois" in 1993 with a remake - « Nine months » - released in the United States. As a teenager, Patrick Braoudé was destined for the profession of veterinarian, but very quickly, the theater announced itself in his life as a revelation. He made a name for himself in the theater with his first play, "Du Ronron sur les blinis", and began a career with many successes. It is with great pleasure that Patrick grants us this telephone interview, out of step with France. On the program, its news but not only. Talent, sensitivity, and above all true values revealing a beautiful personality of French cinema.

Frequence Juive :
“The cinema has apparently entered your life, overriding your admiration for animals. Have you thought about bringing these two passions together through a film script ? »

Patrick Braoudé :
“Not really. I have always had a great passion for animals. I photograph them. Besides, I exhibit my photos, impressionist photos of landscapes of Normandy but also those of wild animals that I loved to do. »

Frequence Juive :
"What do you think of the remake of "Nine Months" in the mythical scene of childbirth with Pascal Légitimus? Do you think our French humor is compatible with American culture ? »

Patrick Braoudé :
“Having been there during the filming, in San Francisco, I found that the scene directed by Chris Columbus had been reproduced very well.
Frequence Juive :
“The cinema has apparently entered your life, overriding your admiration for animals. Have you thought about bringing these two passions together through a film script ? »

Patrick Braoudé :
“Not really. I have always had a great passion for animals. I photograph them. Besides, I exhibit my photos, impressionist photos of landscapes of Normandy but also those of wild animals that I loved to do. »

Frequence Juive :
"What do you think of the remake of "Nine Months" in the mythical scene of childbirth with Pascal Légitimus? Do you think our French humor is compatible with American culture ? »

Patrick Braoudé :
“Having been there during the filming, in San Francisco, I found that the scene directed by Chris Columbus had been reproduced very well.

Played by Robin Williams, Julianne Moore and Hugh Grant, she was very close - with American humor of course - to the original. »

Frequence Juive :
"Three times, you played the role of former French President François Hollande, including that of Clint Eastwood's film: "Le 15h17 pour Paris". How would you describe Clint Eastwood ? »

Patrick Braoudé :
“He is a very charming, kind and very open man. A great director. »

Frequence Juive :
Your theater news:
« Drink, smoke and drive fast »
MADELEINE THEATER, Paris 75008, France
Written and directed by Philippe LELLOUCHE
Played more than 1000 times in front of more than 400,000 spectators.

Frequence Juive :
"In this comedy, we speak in particular of a "liberticidal society" but also of a "license to idiots" where we would be entitled to 12 bullshit. Do you think that these systems of penalties and repeated fines are, ultimately, the solution to these problems ? »

Patrick Braoudé :
“I think we are in a society in which people no longer respect others. As a result, the state was forced to establish prohibitions. Because society is becoming dangerous, in fact.

"You know, when I was a kid, I had my moped, we didn't put on the helmets. But people paid more attention. Motorists were more attentive to mopeds, they did not open their doors without looking, they did not run red lights. Now people don't put on their turn signals when turning left or right. Our society has become so individualistic ! »

“People these days have so little respect for others ! Those who smoked had nothing to do with those who can't stand the smoke. The state had to prohibit people, somewhat drastically, from acting with such individualism. In the United States, they made these decisions much longer. But the French have finally got used to it and live differently, even with prohibitions. »

“Americans, when they are at Universal Studios Park, for example, really line up in front of the carousel! In France, there is always one, in the line, who tries to free ride.
Played by Robin Williams, Julianne Moore and Hugh Grant, she was very close - with American humor of course - to the original. »

Frequence Juive :
"Three times, you played the role of former French President François Hollande, including that of Clint Eastwood's film: "Le 15h17 pour Paris". How would you describe Clint Eastwood ? »

Patrick Braoudé :
“He is a very charming, kind and very open man. A great director. »

Frequence Juive :
Your theater news:
« Drink, smoke and drive fast »
MADELEINE THEATER, Paris 75008, France
Written and directed by Philippe LELLOUCHE
Played more than 1000 times in front of more than 400,000 spectators.

Frequence Juive :
"In this comedy, we speak in particular of a "liberticidal society" but also of a "license to idiots" where we would be entitled to 12 bullshit. Do you think that these systems of penalties and repeated fines are, ultimately, the solution to these problems ? »

Patrick Braoudé :
“I think we are in a society in which people no longer respect others. As a result, the state was forced to establish prohibitions. Because society is becoming dangerous, in fact.

"You know, when I was a kid, I had my moped, we didn't put on the helmets. But people paid more attention. Motorists were more attentive to mopeds, they did not open their doors without looking, they did not run red lights. Now people don't put on their turn signals when turning left or right. Our society has become so individualistic ! »

“People these days have so little respect for others ! Those who smoked had nothing to do with those who can't stand the smoke. The state had to prohibit people, somewhat drastically, from acting with such individualism. In the United States, they made these decisions much longer. But the French have finally got used to it and live differently, even with prohibitions. »

“Americans, when they are at Universal Studios Park, for example, really line up in front of the carousel! In France, there is always one, in the line, who tries to free ride.

"I'm always here to advocate on anti-Semitism as well as Israel because it's part of my life ! I'm just trying to get the truth straight. »

"I'm always here to advocate on anti-Semitism as well as Israel because it's part of my life ! I'm just trying to get the truth straight. »

This has nothing to do with ! »

Frequence Juive :
“Your Eastern European Jewish origins and your photos of Ouman in Ukraine on social media lead us to believe that you give particular importance to your roots ? »

Patrick Braoudé :
“My father was born in Ukraine and my mother is of Polish origin. For 3 days, the city of Dnipropetrovsk in Ukraine - now Dnipro - where my father was born, has been bombed by the Russians. It pained me a lot. I do not know this city but it is the one where my grandparents were. So to see her under the bombs, of course that touches me! Ukraine is the country of part of my ancestors. During one of my trips there, I saw people who wanted to become Europeans, to leave this Russian system, to live like Westerners. Seeing them today under the bombs saddens me a lot. »

“I spent a day in Ouman*, it was great! From big hats to small caps à la Yentl, the payrolls that fell on each side of their ears, guitar tunes to the people who smiled and above all, a very great tolerance ! »

Frequence Juive :
“Your wife Guila is more than an assistant. Guila means "joy". In Kabbalah, Gilala means “revealing G‑d,” which is a great source of joy. What role do you give him in your life ? »

Patrick Braoudé :
“Guila was never my assistant. She is much more than that. She writes screenplays, she is a director, she has projects of her own. She was a great accomplice when I was making my films. In my main roles, I needed a professional outsider to monitor my acting. We have been married for 33 years, and have two beautiful grown children. He is someone important, essential in my life. »

Frequence Juive :
“The community particularly appreciates your involvement in the many movements against anti-Semitism. Where does this strong sensitivity come from compared to those who do not dare ? »

Patrick Braoudé :
“The feeling of injustice has always revolted me. I have always been a little politicized, I have always been interested in the city, and I have this strong feeling of justice in me. And when I see what happened to poor Madame Halimi, I find it unbearable. When I was asked to come and speak in his homage, on Place du Trocadéro, I hadn't prepared anything, but I made a little speech that came out of the heart.
This has nothing to do with ! »

Frequence Juive :
“Your Eastern European Jewish origins and your photos of Ouman in Ukraine on social media lead us to believe that you give particular importance to your roots ? »

Patrick Braoudé :
“My father was born in Ukraine and my mother is of Polish origin. For 3 days, the city of Dnipropetrovsk in Ukraine - now Dnipro - where my father was born, has been bombed by the Russians. It pained me a lot. I do not know this city but it is the one where my grandparents were. So to see her under the bombs, of course that touches me! Ukraine is the country of part of my ancestors. During one of my trips there, I saw people who wanted to become Europeans, to leave this Russian system, to live like Westerners. Seeing them today under the bombs saddens me a lot. »

“I spent a day in Ouman*, it was great! From big hats to small caps à la Yentl, the payrolls that fell on each side of their ears, guitar tunes to the people who smiled and above all, a very great tolerance ! »

Frequence Juive :
“Your wife Guila is more than an assistant. Guila means "joy". In Kabbalah, Gilala means “revealing G‑d,” which is a great source of joy. What role do you give him in your life ? »

Patrick Braoudé :
“Guila was never my assistant. She is much more than that. She writes screenplays, she is a director, she has projects of her own. She was a great accomplice when I was making my films. In my main roles, I needed a professional outsider to monitor my acting. We have been married for 33 years, and have two beautiful grown children. He is someone important, essential in my life. »

Frequence Juive :
“The community particularly appreciates your involvement in the many movements against anti-Semitism. Where does this strong sensitivity come from compared to those who do not dare ? »

Patrick Braoudé :
“The feeling of injustice has always revolted me. I have always been a little politicized, I have always been interested in the city, and I have this strong feeling of justice in me. And when I see what happened to poor Madame Halimi, I find it unbearable. When I was asked to come and speak in his homage, on Place du Trocadéro, I hadn't prepared anything, but I made a little speech that came out of the heart.


"I'm always here to advocate on anti-Semitism as well as Israel because it's part of my life ! I'm just trying to get the truth straight. »

Comments collected by Fréquence Juive.

* Ouman = place of pilgrimage for Hasidic Jews gathering at the tomb of Rabbi Nahman of Breslev, founder of the Hasidic dynasty of Breslev and grandson of the Baal Chem Tov; This place attracts tens of thousands of followers to this day and especially for Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year -.


"I'm always here to advocate on anti-Semitism as well as Israel because it's part of my life ! I'm just trying to get the truth straight. »

Comments collected by Fréquence Juive.

* Ouman = place of pilgrimage for Hasidic Jews gathering at the tomb of Rabbi Nahman of Breslev, founder of the Hasidic dynasty of Breslev and grandson of the Baal Chem Tov; This place attracts tens of thousands of followers to this day and especially for Rosh Hashanah - Jewish New Year -.


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Né à Paris en 1954, Patrick Braoudé est un acteur, réalisateur, scénariste et producteur français connu de tous pour avoir réalisé des films cultes comme « Génial mes parents divorcent » en 1990 ou « Neuf mois » en 1993 avec un remake sorti aux Etats-unis. Adolescent, Patrick Braoudé se destinait au métier de vétérinaire, mais très vite, le théâtre s’ annonce dans sa vie comme une révélation. Il se fait remarquer au théâtre avec sa première pièce, « Du Ronron sur les blinis », et démarre une carrière enchaînant de nombreux succès. C’est avec un grand plaisir que Patrick nous accorde cet entretien téléphonique, en décalage avec la France. Au programme, ses actualités mais pas seulement. Du talent, de la sensibilité, et surtout de vraies valeurs révélant une belle personnalité du cinéma français.

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