The high-end real estate concierge service in the USAThe high-end real estate concierge service in the USA

Fréquence juive :
«? What areas are you focused on? What is your customer base ?? »

Mailliez + Rivers :
«? We represent buyers and sellers across Los Angeles, from beachfront properties to sky-view hillside signature estates. Although we are established on the Westside of Los Angeles, we have also helped our clients buy and sell properties internationally, leveraging the global presence of the Sotheby's International Realty company. In the last 2 years we have seen an increase in migration due to COVID-19: a sweeping clientele from New York investing in Los Angeles and leasing high-end properties as well as clientele investing in Miami but also all over Florida. Many of these buyers are investing in primary and secondary residences or investment properties such as multifamily or office/industrial space.
Fréquence juive :
«? What areas are you focused on? What is your customer base ?? »

Mailliez + Rivers :
«? We represent buyers and sellers across Los Angeles, from beachfront properties to sky-view hillside signature estates. Although we are established on the Westside of Los Angeles, we have also helped our clients buy and sell properties internationally, leveraging the global presence of the Sotheby's International Realty company. In the last 2 years we have seen an increase in migration due to COVID-19: a sweeping clientele from New York investing in Los Angeles and leasing high-end properties as well as clientele investing in Miami but also all over Florida. Many of these buyers are investing in primary and secondary residences or investment properties such as multifamily or office/industrial space.

Our customer base is generated from our referral sphere. For an agent, getting a referral from a past client is the highest compliment one can receive.? »

Fréquence juive :
« Is your business focused solely on real estate sales? Is this a good time to invest ?? »

Mailliez + Rivers :
«? Our primary market is the high-end single-family homes, luxury condos and occasionally high-end leases. We’ve established a partnership that serves as a personalized, one-stop, boutique concierge for our clients.
Like all Southern California real estate, Los Angeles is a great investment.

Our customer base is generated from our referral sphere. For an agent, getting a referral from a past client is the highest compliment one can receive.? »

Fréquence juive :
« Is your business focused solely on real estate sales? Is this a good time to invest ?? »

Mailliez + Rivers :
«? Our primary market is the high-end single-family homes, luxury condos and occasionally high-end leases. We’ve established a partnership that serves as a personalized, one-stop, boutique concierge for our clients.
Like all Southern California real estate, Los Angeles is a great investment.

« We speak English, French & Spanish"
« We speak English, French & Spanish"

It is constantly in demand and appreciating in value. With rents rising faster than median prices, buying versus renting is the strategic choice.
However, demand for rental properties is also high, which is good news for landlords. So although home prices are high across Los Angeles County, investors with cash-flowing rental portfolios can take advantage of positive market conditions.? »

Fréquence juive :
« How far do you think the increase in real estate prices can go ?? »

Mailliez + Rivers :
Southern California saw a 14% year-over-year price gain. The California Association of Realtors projects another year of increases in the statewide median, albeit at a slower pace.
It is constantly in demand and appreciating in value. With rents rising faster than median prices, buying versus renting is the strategic choice.
However, demand for rental properties is also high, which is good news for landlords. So although home prices are high across Los Angeles County, investors with cash-flowing rental portfolios can take advantage of positive market conditions.? »

Fréquence juive :
« How far do you think the increase in real estate prices can go ?? »

Mailliez + Rivers :
Southern California saw a 14% year-over-year price gain. The California Association of Realtors projects another year of increases in the statewide median, albeit at a slower pace.

This reflects California’s lack of available existing homes for sale amid constrained production of new housing.
Median home values are expected to continue rising over the next year. Homes for sale in Los Angeles County historically hold their value well and with inventory remaining tight, it's no surprise home prices are expected to rise.
High-end consumers are feeling optimistic about spending, notably luxury homeowners who are more interested than ever in retirement properties that are a safe asset.? »

Karine Mailliez et Kalli Rivers
Realtor® | CalBRE# 01984301
Sotheby's International Realty - Brentwood Brokerage
This reflects California’s lack of available existing homes for sale amid constrained production of new housing.
Median home values are expected to continue rising over the next year. Homes for sale in Los Angeles County historically hold their value well and with inventory remaining tight, it's no surprise home prices are expected to rise.
High-end consumers are feeling optimistic about spending, notably luxury homeowners who are more interested than ever in retirement properties that are a safe asset.? »

Karine Mailliez et Kalli Rivers
Realtor® | CalBRE# 01984301
Sotheby's International Realty - Brentwood Brokerage

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