« Not working ? (laugh) That word in Real Estate does not exist. When you are committed 100% and a workaholic like us, work is every day ! Even on trips, our phones and computers are always with us. We both love to travel, meet new people and enjoy nature.? But most importantly family comes first !? », Karine & Kalli.« Not working ? (laugh) That word in Real Estate does not exist. When you are committed 100% and a workaholic like us, work is every day ! Even on trips, our phones and computers are always with us. We both love to travel, meet new people and enjoy nature.? But most importantly family comes first !? », Karine & Kalli.

Fréquence Juive :
«? How did you get into the real estate business ?? »

Karine :
«? My husband and my father are a big inspiration & influence in my life. Between my husband being a veteran in Real Estate investment and development of more than 40 years, and my father a self-made man and retired CEO of a drywall factory in France, I have to say my reason being in Real estate is only natural. I studied Hospitality Industry in Switzerland and studied interior design, so service to clientele is my cup of tea. I always like to learn something different and put 100% into what I love to do! Every day is a new day in Real Estate and loving it !? »

Kalli :
«? I was raised in Aspen, Colorado, and I always had an entrepreneurial spirit, working my way through college, starting several small businesses and being a successful working commercial actress/model for over 25 years.
Fréquence Juive :
«? How did you get into the real estate business ?? »

Karine :
«? My husband and my father are a big inspiration & influence in my life. Between my husband being a veteran in Real Estate investment and development of more than 40 years, and my father a self-made man and retired CEO of a drywall factory in France, I have to say my reason being in Real estate is only natural. I studied Hospitality Industry in Switzerland and studied interior design, so service to clientele is my cup of tea. I always like to learn something different and put 100% into what I love to do! Every day is a new day in Real Estate and loving it !? »

Kalli :
«? I was raised in Aspen, Colorado, and I always had an entrepreneurial spirit, working my way through college, starting several small businesses and being a successful working commercial actress/model for over 25 years.

The move to real estate which was the next natural step for me after successfully completing a residential development project with my husband, a licensed contractor, (and my two children) after we purchased and converted a condemned teardown into paradise found. I love all aspects of Real estate from searching to selling the property, design, construction, and connecting the right people to make things happen. I bring dedication, heart and soul to everything I do, it’s just who I am !? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? How and why did you form a partnership? ?? »

Mailliez & Rivers :
? «? When we both started in Real Estate years ago, it is not always the easiest to take on a new career at our stage of our lives, we were looking for a career that would allow us to improve our family's lifestyle and cherish along the way the life of others.
The move to real estate which was the next natural step for me after successfully completing a residential development project with my husband, a licensed contractor, (and my two children) after we purchased and converted a condemned teardown into paradise found. I love all aspects of Real estate from searching to selling the property, design, construction, and connecting the right people to make things happen. I bring dedication, heart and soul to everything I do, it’s just who I am !? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? How and why did you form a partnership? ?? »

Mailliez & Rivers :
? «? When we both started in Real Estate years ago, it is not always the easiest to take on a new career at our stage of our lives, we were looking for a career that would allow us to improve our family's lifestyle and cherish along the way the life of others.

«? Most importantly, share many blessings in people's lives !? »«? Most importantly, share many blessings in people's lives !? »

Kalli & I share a unique passion for horses and nature, and one of our dear friends (horse rider and veteran in Real Estate) introduced us and was convinced we would complement each other. And after a friendly phone call, we never missed sight. Our partnership was established with the intention of creating a personalized one-stop real estate boutique service that would grow to meet the individual demands of our client’s needs locally and internationally. Together we feel we bring a dynamic and diverse range of resources to the team, while building a business based on trust and proven results. We both share love for life, family values, passion for real estate, design, creation and most importantly the joy of seeing our client, family & friends happy! This career is not just about closing a deal but most importantly sharing many blessings in people's lives !? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? What do you do when you are not working ?? »

Mailliez & Rivers :
«? Not working ? (laugh) That word in Real Estate does not exist.
Kalli & I share a unique passion for horses and nature, and one of our dear friends (horse rider and veteran in Real Estate) introduced us and was convinced we would complement each other. And after a friendly phone call, we never missed sight. Our partnership was established with the intention of creating a personalized one-stop real estate boutique service that would grow to meet the individual demands of our client’s needs locally and internationally. Together we feel we bring a dynamic and diverse range of resources to the team, while building a business based on trust and proven results. We both share love for life, family values, passion for real estate, design, creation and most importantly the joy of seeing our client, family & friends happy! This career is not just about closing a deal but most importantly sharing many blessings in people's lives !? »

Fréquence Juive :
«? What do you do when you are not working ?? »

Mailliez & Rivers :
«? Not working ? (laugh) That word in Real Estate does not exist.

When you are committed 100% and a workaholic like us, work is every day ! Even on trips, our phones and computers are always with us. We both love to travel, meet new people and enjoy nature."

«? But most importantly family comes first !? »

Karine Mailliez and Kalli Rivers
Realtor® | CalBRE# 01984301

Sotheby's International Realty - Brentwood Brokerage .
When you are committed 100% and a workaholic like us, work is every day ! Even on trips, our phones and computers are always with us. We both love to travel, meet new people and enjoy nature."

«? But most importantly family comes first !? »

Karine Mailliez and Kalli Rivers
Realtor® | CalBRE# 01984301

Sotheby's International Realty - Brentwood Brokerage .

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