Cinema and acting lessons in french and englishCinema and acting lessons in french and english

Fréquence juive : "What led you to create this theater school ?

Giovanni Savoia : "Four years ago, after 25 years of teaching in France, master classes & individual coaching in private and national education, I decided to teach here again, at the request of people who wanted to take amateur classes in French. I also teach these classes in English and for all professional levels.

Fréquence juive : "What are the age groups of your students ?"

Giovanni Savoia : "Generally around 30 years old and with no age limit. A workshop for a group of teenagers between 12 and 15 years old and a new group of adults will start in February 2022.
Fréquence juive : "What led you to create this theater school ?

Giovanni Savoia : "Four years ago, after 25 years of teaching in France, master classes & individual coaching in private and national education, I decided to teach here again, at the request of people who wanted to take amateur classes in French. I also teach these classes in English and for all professional levels.

Fréquence juive : "What are the age groups of your students ?"

Giovanni Savoia : "Generally around 30 years old and with no age limit. A workshop for a group of teenagers between 12 and 15 years old and a new group of adults will start in February 2022.


Fréquence juive : "What is your teaching method?"

Giovanni Savoia : "My experience is based on a multitude of techniques and mainly on the modern actor's work of the Actors Studio, which have allowed me to develop my own vision of spontaneous acting, to teach socio-educational theater to socio-cultural theater from all types of social backgrounds amateur and professional high level. My pedagogy is the same approach for adults as for the youngest - which is obviously felt differently by one or the other, as well as by professionals or amateurs. The watchword is freedom of expression based on personal feeling; instinct, natural intuition, imagination, real and creative thinking, contact with oneself, expressing oneself with one's heart, sharing and exchanging, but always within the discipline and rules of the art.

Fréquence juive : "What is your teaching method?"

Giovanni Savoia : "My experience is based on a multitude of techniques and mainly on the modern actor's work of the Actors Studio, which have allowed me to develop my own vision of spontaneous acting, to teach socio-educational theater to socio-cultural theater from all types of social backgrounds amateur and professional high level. My pedagogy is the same approach for adults as for the youngest - which is obviously felt differently by one or the other, as well as by professionals or amateurs. The watchword is freedom of expression based on personal feeling; instinct, natural intuition, imagination, real and creative thinking, contact with oneself, expressing oneself with one's heart, sharing and exchanging, but always within the discipline and rules of the art.

« An in-depth work that uninhibits the most reserved and makes the most talented evolve » « An in-depth work that uninhibits the most reserved and makes the most talented evolve »

I insist on an in-depth work which decomplexes the most reserved and makes evolve the most talented. I am not a dream seller but I help talents to reveal themselves and express their feelings, while remaining spontaneous and natural.

Fréquence juive : "How does the first class go ?

Giovanni Savoia : "Beforehand, a telephone interview with the student allows for a first approach. I ask him to prepare a two-minute monologue of his choice for the first stage, so that he can interpret it with pleasure, and then I develop a dialogue with the student to identify the real emotion of the moment, then we move on to the scenes in pairs".
I insist on an in-depth work which decomplexes the most reserved and makes evolve the most talented. I am not a dream seller but I help talents to reveal themselves and express their feelings, while remaining spontaneous and natural.

Fréquence juive : "How does the first class go ?

Giovanni Savoia : "Beforehand, a telephone interview with the student allows for a first approach. I ask him to prepare a two-minute monologue of his choice for the first stage, so that he can interpret it with pleasure, and then I develop a dialogue with the student to identify the real emotion of the moment, then we move on to the scenes in pairs".

Fréquence juive : "How do you enroll in the classes, for how long and at what prices ?"

Giovanni Savoia : "The workshop lasts from 5 to 9 months, with one two-hour class per week for teenagers and three to four hours for adults. It is a group class in person, but separate according to the age of the students. Prices range from $125 to $150 per person per month, and at the end a public performance!"

To register, click here :

Fréquence juive : "How do you enroll in the classes, for how long and at what prices ?"

Giovanni Savoia : "The workshop lasts from 5 to 9 months, with one two-hour class per week for teenagers and three to four hours for adults. It is a group class in person, but separate according to the age of the students. Prices range from $125 to $150 per person per month, and at the end a public performance!"

To register, click here :

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